Saturday, June 4, 2011

Man...for the last time...

I was at my native place recently and I'm sick and tired of being surrounded by relatives all the time. I'm also tired of being called fat by everything that stands on two legs . Do they ever care about my feelings on the matter? Fuck well-wishers, they are just assholes who get sadistic pleasure at calling me fat and admiring the contrast with themselves...i would have said that my mother had tried to defend me but she belongs to the opposite army as well ...I don't want to care about how many kgs I have gained, so nobody else should either! And No, i don't need your so called well wishing..I Can live quite happily without just Fuck Off!

Monday, March 28, 2011


I meant to blog about this a few days later but I just couldn't wait after seeing a particular article in a popular morning daily. It was an article about the need-to-knows about gadgets in the sci-tech section which I always read, being a self confessed geek. While I got to know several things in the article and already knew several too, I almost tore the paper in rage on reading one of the points. It said that android phones and tabs are for MEN only!Yeah, like that, in all caps! I can't wait to get my hands on the collar of that asshole called M. Gupta who wrote the bloody article..couldn't he just have stuck to what he is paid to write? Does every sentence written on gadgets have to show a biased viewpoint ? Who the hell said that women can't handle gadgets? They have been doing so from time immemorial. I would advise the writer to travel by train in the women's compartment and see the no. of women having high end smartphones and then decide for himself. There are millions of female geeks and gadgets are not a male dominion at all. In fact I know many men who don't even give a damn about what phone they carry, forget knowing that android 3.0 i.e. honeycomb is the latest OS in the market for Tabs and 2.3 (Gingerbread) is for phones. This is not to say that men don't know gadgets well, but to just highlight my point that women are just as proficient, and in some cases more proficient in them. So Just stop saying that women can't tell an android phone from a robot!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Genetics???? HELP!!!

The time has arrived for a slightly different weblog post this time.I am talking of the subject that has lately become the pain in my ass -genetics.welcome to my world-the world of mendel,crick,watson,turner,edward and countless other assholes ...yeah i know,i wanna be a scientist, so what! i will be doing advanced research...not something that will torture innocent grad students, but scientists themselves..i mean, who cares about  x-linked dominants, philadelphia syndrome, pedigree analysis,drosophila bar eye mutants, molecular biology crap like replication and transcription, primer strand nonsense, and the other blabbering bullshit that is forced down our throats! Hell i think i will start blaming my parents for every single problem in me,physical and mental at the rate the subject is frustrating me..the problem lies not with me, i am always willing to give a subject a chance, boring or otherwise...but i NEED a good teacher who will think of something other than completing her or his syllabus, particularly in genetics, which is incredibly tough to grasp clearly and very complex considering the fact that it is entirely based on the tiny little DNA molecule and its equally tiny but indispensible derivatives..hell the classes have gotten so bland these days, that i shall soon have no choice but to either kill the idiots who set the syllabus and the papers or burn that abominable tome that i am supposed to  learn for the goddamned exams..(long frustrated scream)

Friday, January 28, 2011


Yeah I know, teachers are equivalent to God and what not! I am also a teacher, and am thankful that my teaching is loved by my students. but bitcher is one of my teachers in my major subject,teaching a part which I don't particularly enjoy but am good enough at scoring marks in it.
                            It all started when she got to know everyone in our class. Though she has been teaching for over 15 years, I'm sure no one told her the elementary rule for teachers, which even I happen to know- the teacher should NEVER nag or tease her students, on whatever grounds. She has been nagging us all for silly things which she doesn't bother to think about before nagging us for it. Simple example- she will go on boasting about her travel and experiences abroad and her vocabulary[which I admit is good, but I'm no shrimp in that field either] and she just assumes that we all hail from the state board with it's one and only thin textbook which we ISC boarders have used as revision points, for last minute summary of our infinitely more vast syllabus .She thinks that we do not understand a word of her 'flawless' english[ she can't even pronounce 'reiterate' properly] and even nags us about it, and brags that she and sour grapes are the only ones who are good at learning languages[ ah, if only she knew!].bitcher even has a weird and annoying habit of teasing her students if they are -well face it, fat!Since I am one of these lucky students, I am at the receiving end of her veiled as well as direct teasing remarks about it...Come on, grow up! Such things are for 3-year-olds, not for 45-48 year olds..And she may feel that being thin herself makes her tiny 5 foot frame superior to my 5'9'' one and gives her an ego boost and me a complex, then I tell her to think twice.I don't care two figs for her teaching,which is average at best, and even her nagging or teasing. What does she think? Just because I'm fat, my grey cells are fewer in number? I proved that one wrong in the vivas. She was nearly shocked when I answered her application based question correctly. Well, gotcha you bitcher!

treatment of animals - a simple example

I’m back after a long break, collecting ‘hate’ material. And I must say, this time, the urn is quite full, if I go by a popular proverb in my country-I have not one, but three things to blog about! I start my first post about animals and their treatment in my country-I may warn that this is not a very comprehensive post, though a lengthy one.[what I mean is that I have only cited one example and one animal to back my views and my hatred of the way they are treated.]
                        I had gone as usual to the market with my mother for the weekly provisions just the other day-there was nothing out of the ordinary for me that day, not even what I’m about to narrate is out of the ordinary-but I never had a hatred-centric blog before, so here I mother was just selecting her vegetables when the dearest little purring cat walked up to the vegetable vendor’s cart. Here is the shocking part-the cat was perhaps a little more than a kitten and was scavenging for food under the carts nearby, but what did it get? It just happened to come in the path of a ‘lordly’ human male [probably nothing other than a lout or an urchin], so he just kicked the critter out of his path as if it was made of sedimentary or igneous material, not flesh, blood and protoplasm! And not onc e, but thrice this innocent being was kicked aside for being what it was-a ‘lesser being’. And when I beckoned it , it just looked at me out of scared, green feline eyes and beat a hasty retreat, mistaking me for one of those barbarians of society who had been using her like a furry football, rather than the tender-hearted animal lover that I am. It rent my heart to witness this appalling scene at first, but soon that feeling got replaced by the infinitely stronger feelings of hatred to the point of loathing and a sore desire for revenge.
                                            What had the cat done to those callous examples of undeserving humanity? Those bastards deserve to be born again and again [for a 108 times] as an ant so I can squish them under my shoe-not that I do this regularly, as I love the ants too as fellow beings. I'm here to criticize, not to sermonize, or else no parish priest could have outdone my sermon about how animals are not inferior, but WAAAY superior to these ‘humans’ [with a heavy sarcastic emphasis on the last word]

Saturday, January 8, 2011

biased views about lesbians,homophobia etc.

In the recent years, the LGBT community has definitely been more liberated.But in our country, nothing has changed. The attitudes of people towards such people are still very much the same.Due to certain directors, choreographers and fashion designers who 'appear' gay, people are of a view that such men are effeminate...I'm quite happy to assure that it is a misconception built by years of prejudice and misrepresentation by biased media. Let me clarify, I do not belong to this community, but I am a broad minded individual of the 21st century, and believe that if people can choose their ice cream flavors, they can choose their sexuality.And it is not the concern of the government,'moral police', religious groups etc etc.Moral Police? UGH! what the hell is that??I understand that probably people are moulded in such a way that they are wont to be scared of such people and their abysmal treatment of these people is a result of this...But that's not the only target of my spleen. It is also the particularly biased treatment and double standards of society for lesbians.I mean, what the hell is your problem?? It is our own fault that females are less in this country [read female infanticide,foeticide and mortality].So people have this way of protesting films on lesbian relationships though they take the films on gay men with a pinch of salt.They obviously think that these women have escaped their 'strict moral control' and are being wasted, while they should be servicing men instead.This is the sad state of lesbian partners in this country and also in the world.I'm no feminist, but I strongly believe that if men can do what they want to, wear what they want to, go out when they want to, then why not women??? If the answer is 'for their safety'...then I say,safety from what??? MEN,MEN,MEN...all the fuckin problems in the world are rooted in men..NO, I'M NOT BIASED...this is the truth...ask yourself